1. Anunț selecție expert ANTROPOLOG / MUZEOGRAF / SOCIOLOG (14.05.2020)


Proiectul este implementat in perioada aprilie 2020 – martie 2022. Initiativa este organizata de Asociatia Semper Musica in parteneriat cu IMM-ul norvegian Zebel Design Fishbain.

The project is implemented between April 2020 and March 2022. The initiative is organized by Semper Musica Association in partnership with the Norwegian SME Zebel Design Fishbain.

Proiectul When ContempArt helps Social este finantat prin Granturile SEE 2014 – 2021 in cadrul Programului RO-CULTURA  /

The project When ContempArt helps Social is funded through SEE 2014 – 2021 Grants within the RO-CULTURA Program  /


  1. Dezvoltarea website-ului proiectului care va include si o platforma de disponibilitate angajare artisti; suportul ii va include pe cei 15 artisti romani si norvegieni selectati pentru proiect si va avea drept scop promovarea artistilor disponibili pentru proiecte socio-culturale. Developing the website of the project which will also include a platform regarding the employability level of artists; the platform will include all 15 Romanian and Norwegian artists selected for the project and will have as goal to promote the artists available to be engaged in socio-cultural projects.
  2. Dezvoltarea profesionala a membrilor echipei de proiect. Professional development of the team members of the project
  3. Realizarea unei cercetari/anchete antropologice cu privire la modul in care artistii romani si norvegieni de arta contemporana, activi in anii ’90 si 2000, au inclus domeniul HIV/SIDA printre temele creatiilor lor. Develop an anthropological research regarding the way Romanian and Norwegian contemporary art artists, active in the ’90 and 2000, included HIV/AIDS as theme for their creations.
  4. Selectia a 15 artisti de arta contemporana romani si norvegieni in vederea dezvoltarii a 15 creatii/instalatii de arta contemporana cu tema HIV care vor face obiectul a 15 evenimente publice organizate in spatii neconventionale si conventionale din Romania si Norvegia; cei 15 artisti romani si norvegieni, inaintea dezvoltarii creatiilor, se vor putea intalni cu persoane care traiesc cu HIV din Romania si Norvegia, iar creatiile lor de arta contemporana se vor incadra in directiile: IUBIRE, PRIETENIE, FAMILIE, PERFORMANTA profesionala sau sportiva. Selecting 15 contemporary art artists from Romania and Norway to develop 15 contemporary art installations with an HIV theme which will be presented to the public in both countries through 15 public events organized in unconventional and conventional spaces; prior to the development process of the 15 installations, the 15 contemporary art artists will meet Romanians and Norwegians living with HIV; their contemporary art installations will have to respect the following themes: LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, FAMILY, professional or sportive PERFORMANCE.
  5. Organizarea a doua mobilitati si doua evenimente comunitare si de presa, in Romania si Norvegia. Organizing two mobilities and two community and press events, in Romania and Norway.
  6. Prezentarea celor 15 creații/instalații de artă contemporană cu tema HIV publicului român și norvegian; acestea vor fi panotate/prezentate în spații public convenționale și neconvenționale, timp de 1 lună. Presenting the 15 HIV contemporary art installations/creations to the Romanian and Norwegian public; the creations will be exhibited/presented in conventional and unconventional spaces for a month.