Lucram impreuna pentru o Europa incluziva
Alaturi de Fundatia Centrul Parteneriat pentru Egalitate – CPE si organizatia norvegiana Sex&Society ne propunem ca pana in 2024 sa:
- Invatam echipa Asociatiei Semper Musica sa lucreze cu autoritatile publice pentru a le convinge ca vocea tinerilor trebuie auzita, in mod special cea legata de nevoile lor cu privire la sanatatea sexuala si reproductiva;
- Invatam de la asociatia norvegiana Sex&Society cum functioneaza programul national norvegian de distribuire de prezervative GRATUITE pentru tineri si cum fac acestia educatie sexuala in scoli si licee;
- Organizam un studiu national pentru evaluarea perceptiei a cel putin 3% dintre tinerii din rural, 15-19 ani, asupra importantei respectarii dreptului lor la sanatatea reproducerii de catre stat si autoritati;
- Realizam cu ajutorul celor de la CPE o strategie de lucru cu autoritatile publice centrale si locale;
- Pilotam in Romania programul national norvegian de distribuire de prezervative GRATUITE, alaturi de modelul lor de educatie pentru sanatatea sexuala si reproductiva pentru tineri;
- Convingem autoritatile ca modelul norvegian functioneaza si ca se poate replica in Romania;
- Te mobilizam PE TINE, tanar din rural, pentru a atrage atentia autoritatile legate de nevoile tale reale cu privire la sanatatea ta sexuala si reproductiva!
Proiectul “Tanar, 16 ani, din rural: In Romania, dreptul meu la sanatate este constant incalcat!” este derulat de Asociatia Semper Musica in parteneriat cu CPE – Fundatia Centrul Parteneriat pentru Egalitate si asociatia norvegiana Sex&Society si beneficiaza de o finantare in valoare de 243.481,80 euro, prin programul Active Citizens Fund Romania, finantat de Islanda, Liechtenstein si Norvegia prin Granturile SEE 2014-2021. Continutul acestui website nu reprezinta in mod necesar pozitia oficiala a Granturilor SEE si Norvegiene 2014-2021; pentru mai multe informatii accesati
Informatii despre Active Citizens Fund Romania sunt disponibile la
Teen, 16 years old, located in a rural community: In Romania, my health right is constantly violated!
Working together for an inclusive Europe
Together with CPE – Center for Partnership and Equality Romania and the Norwegian organization Sex & Society, we propose that by 2024 to:
- We teach the Semper Musica Association team to work with public authorities to convince them that young people’s voices need to be heard, especially those related to their sexual and reproductive health needs;
- We learn from the Norwegian association Sex & Society how the Norwegian national program for distributing FREE condoms for young people works and how they do sex education in schools and high schools;
- We organize a national study to assess the perception of at least 3% of young people in rural areas, 15-19 years, on the importance of respecting their right to reproductive health by the state and authorities;
- With the help of the CPE, we develop a working strategy with the central and local public authorities;
- We are piloting in Romania the Norwegian national condom distribution program, together with their model of education for sexual and reproductive health for young people;
- We convince the authorities that the Norwegian model works and that it can be replicated in Romania;
- We are mobilizing YOU, the rural youth, to draw the attention of the local authorities to your real needs regarding your sexual and reproductive health!
The project “Teen, 16 years old, located in a rural community: In Romania, my health right is constantly violated!” is implemented by Semper Musica Association in partnership with CPE- Partnership Center for Equality Foundation and Sex and Society Norway, and benefits from a 243.481,80 euro grant from Active Citizens Fund Romania, programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants Grants 2014 -2021. The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the official position of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021; for more information visit
More details about Active Citizens Fund Romania are available at
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