Asociatia Semper Musica considera proiectele internationale sau bilaterale o valoare adaugata activitatii organizatiei si astfel, este mereu deschisa cooperarilor internationale. De asemenea, organizatia acorda o atentie deosebita acestor proiecte prin prisma dezvoltarii resurselor umane sau a interventiilor vizate.
1. Learning from the Best – a Swiss-Romanian cooperation project!
Proiectul bilateral organizat in parteneriat cu Asociatia ABQ din Elvetia este o initiativa co-finantata printr-un grant din partea Elvetiei prin intermediul Contributiei Elvetiene pentru Uniunea Europeana extinsa. Pentru mai multe detalii privind Programul de Cooperare Elvetiano-Roman, va invitam sa vizitati şi
Mai multe detalii despre acest proiect, puteti gasi la acest link: SWISS
2. Toti pentru unul!
Proiectul „Toti pentru unul” este finantat in cadrul Programului de Asistenta Tehnica prin Fondul de Relatii Bilaterale gestionat de Ministerul Fondurilor Europene in calitate de Punct National de Contact pentru granturile SEE si Norvegiene2009-2014. Proiectul se va desfasura in perioada august – decembrie 2016 beneficiind de o alocare de 78.281,8 lei (100% din granturi SEE si Norvegiene).
Proiectul este organizat de Asociatia Semper Musica in parteneriat cu HIV Norvegia si HIV Islanda.
ENGAGE YOUth! este un proiect care isi doreste cresterea capacitatii organizatiei islandeze HIV Islanda de a utiliza instrumente, proceduri si actiuni de implicare a tinerilor si elevilor in activitati de voluntariat proprii ale asociatiei prin promovarea rezultatelor proiectului Voluntar de Tecuci! organizat de Asociatia Semper Musica in Romania prin Fondul ONG. De asemenea, proiectul propus spre finantare reprezinta o oportunitate pentru Asociatia Semper Musica de a intra in legatura cu organizatii islandeze care au ca directie voluntariatul si implicarea in comunitate a tinerilor, urmand ca partea romana sa identifice noi modalitati sau instrumente islandeze pe care le poate adapta in Romania in lucrul cu voluntarii proprii.
A1. Organizarea unui atelier de lucru de o saptamana la Reykjavik, Islanda, ocazie cu care doi reprezentanti ai Asociatiei Semper Musica vor promova rezultatele proiectului – Voluntar de Tecuci! in vederea dezvoltarii de catre Asociatia HIV Islanda a unui plan de actiune in ceea ce priveste identificarea, recrutarea si mobilizarea tinerilor, studentilor si/sau elevilor pentru proiectele proprii ale organizatiei.
A2. Organizarea a 2 intalniri de schimb de experienta in Reykjavik, Islanda, cu 2 organizatii active in domeniul voluntariatului in vederea identificarii de noi instrumente/proceduri de lucru cu voluntarii adaptabile contextului social din Romania.
A3. Organizarea unei expozitii de panouri cu cele mai importante momente/strategii folosite in cadrul proiectului Voluntar de Tecuci! finantat prin Fondul ONG in Romania adresata tinerilor, cetatenilor si ONG-urilor islandeze in vederea promovarii rezultatelor proiectului si identificarii de noi parteneri sau sustinatori.
Proiectul este organizat in parteneriat cu Asociatia islandeza HIV Islanda. „ENGAGE YOUth” este finantat prin Fondul ONG in Romania, granturile SEE 2009-2014.
4. When ContempART helps social!
Proiectul este implementat in perioada aprilie 2020 – martie 2022. Initiativa este organizata de Asociatia Semper Musica in parteneriat cu IMM-ul norvegian Zebel Design Fishbain.
Mai multe detalii la LINK
Semper Musica Association considers international or bilateral projects an added value to the activity of the organization therefore, the association is always open to new international projects. Through these initiatives, Semper Musica Association aims to develop its human resources and interventions organized at different levels and addressed to different targeted populations (mainly high school teens)
1. Learning from the Best – a Swiss-Romanian cooperation project!
The bilateral project is organized in partnership with ABQ Association from Switzerland, an initiative co-financed by a grant of Switzerland through the Swiss contribution for enlarged European Union. For more details regarding the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Program, please access the following websites: and
2. All for one!, 2016
The All for one project is financed within the Technical Assistance Program through the Bilateral Relations Fund managed by the Ministry of EU Funds in Romania as National Contact Point for the SEE and Norwegian Grants 2009-2014. The project will be implemented in the period August-December 2016; the total value of the grant received is 78.281, 8 lei (aprox. 17.500 euro, 100% from SEE and Norwegian grants)
The project is organized in partnership with HIV Norway and HIV Iceland.
3. ENGAGE YOUth, 2017
The project “ENGAGE YOUth!” is implemented with financial support from the NGO Fund in Romania, program financed by EEA Grants and managed by Civil Society Development Foundation. The project is implemented in the period February-March 2017 and benefits of an allocation of 5218 euro.
“ENGAGE YOUth!” project aims to increase the capacity of the HIV Iceland Association to use tools, procedures and different actions to involve local teens and students in the volunteering activities of the organization through promoting the results of the project “Volunteer in Tecuci!” organized by Semper Musica Association in Romania through the NGO Fund. Also, the project represents an opportunity for Semper Musica Association Romania to connect with different Icelandic NGOs active in the volunteering field and having projects aiming at involving teens in the lives of their communities. The tools identified in Iceland used by the visited organizations will be adapted to the Romanian context and used by Semper Musica Association for its volunteers’ management.
The projects activities are:
A1. Organizing a working week in Reykjavik, Iceland, an occasion for two representatives of Semper Musica Association to promote the results of the project “Volunteer in Tecuci!” with the goal to develop for HIV Iceland an action plan for identifying, recruiting and mobilizing teens and students for the projects of the Icelandic organization.
A2. Organizing two meetings for sharing knowledge with two organizations based in Reykjavik, Iceland, regarding volunteering aspects with the final goal for the Romanian organization to identify new tools and procedures to be used for the own volunteers’ management.
A3. Organizing an exhibition with banners containing the most important moments and strategies used during the project “Volunteer in Tecuci!” financed through the NGO Fund in Romania, public event addressed to the teens, citizens and NGOs from Iceland. The final goal of the event is to promote the results of the “Volunteer in Tecuci” project and identify new partners or supporters.
The project is implemented in partership with HIV Iceland.
4. When ContempART helps social!
The project is implemented between April 2020 and March 2022. The initiative is organized by Semper Musica Association in partnership with the Norwegian SME Zebel Design Fishbain.
More details about the project here: LINK